Now, as sad as that may be, she was probably the luckiest hamster in the world. First of all, she had five cages. We were determined that not only would she have as much room as she could possibly need to run around, she would never be bored. We would give her all sorts of things to play with, although most of the time she wasn't really interested in them unless it was food. Even though I was never sure if that was instinct or greed, we always kept her entertained with walnuts, seed wheels, plums, and she even stole a whole gingerbread man from our box of biscuits. The thing was at least twice the size of her!
When we lived in our old flat, we used to let her run around on the floor and explore as much as she wanted. This was fine until she decided that she would find a tiny whole in the kitchen and hide under the cupboards, meaning that we had to pull apart the whole kitchen just to find her. I'm pretty sure she found this amusing, as she kept going back there, despite our efforts to stop her.

One miniature adventure after another meant that she was never bored. She was silly, funny, fast, often sneaky, and very smart (for a hamster). We will miss her.
So finally, to Lorelai. The Worlds Best Hamster.
Lucky Lorelai ;-) know running around with all the other hamsters in hamster heaven eating all the porridge she can and looking down on lottie and mike with a twinkle in her eye, saying thankyou for my wounderfull and exciting life xxxxxxxxx